Package suds :: Package bindings :: Module document :: Class Document
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Class Document

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binding.Binding --+

The document/literal style. Literal is the only (@use) supported since document/encoded is pretty much dead. Although the soap specification supports multiple documents within the soap <body/>, it is very uncommon. As such, suds presents an RPC view of service methods defined with a single document parameter. This is done so that the user can pass individual parameters instead of one, single document. To support the complete specification, service methods defined with multiple documents (multiple message parts), must present a document view for that method.

Instance Methods [hide private]
bodycontent(self, method, args, kwargs)
Get the content for the soap body node.
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replycontent(self, method, body)
Get the reply body content.
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document(self, wrapper)
Get the document root.
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mkparam(self, method, pdef, object)
Builds a parameter for the specified method using the parameter definition (pdef) and the specified value (object).
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param_defs(self, method)
Get parameter definitions.
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returned_types(self, method)
Get the xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject returned by the method.
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bychoice(self, ancestry)
The ancestry contains a <choice/>
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Inherited from binding.Binding: __init__, body, bodypart_types, detect_fault, envelope, get_fault, get_message, get_reply, header, headercontent, headpart_types, marshaller, mkheader, replycomposite, replyfilter, replylist, unmarshaller

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from binding.Binding: options, schema, wsdl

Method Details [hide private]

bodycontent(self, method, args, kwargs)

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Get the content for the soap body node.

  • method - A service method.
  • args - method parameter values
  • kwargs - Named (keyword) args for the method invoked.
Returns: [Element,..]
The xml content for the <body/>
Overrides: binding.Binding.bodycontent
(inherited documentation)

replycontent(self, method, body)

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Get the reply body content.

  • method - A service method.
  • body - The soap body
Returns: [Element,...]
the body content
Overrides: binding.Binding.replycontent
(inherited documentation)

document(self, wrapper)

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Get the document root. For document/literal, this is the name of the wrapper element qualifed by the schema tns.

Returns: Element
A root element.

mkparam(self, method, pdef, object)

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Builds a parameter for the specified method using the parameter definition (pdef) and the specified value (object).

  • method - A method name.
  • pdef - A parameter definition.
  • object - The parameter value.
Returns: Element
The parameter fragment.
Overrides: binding.Binding.mkparam
(inherited documentation)

param_defs(self, method)

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Get parameter definitions. Each pdef is a tuple (name, xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject)

  • method - A servic emethod.
Returns: [pdef,..]
A collection of parameter definitions
Overrides: binding.Binding.param_defs
(inherited documentation)

returned_types(self, method)

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Get the xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject returned by the method.

  • method - A service method.
Returns: [rtype,..]
The name of the type return by the method.
Overrides: binding.Binding.returned_types
(inherited documentation)

bychoice(self, ancestry)

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The ancestry contains a <choice/>

  • ancestry (list) - A list of ancestors.
Returns: boolean
True if contains <choice/>